Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26

Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26
Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26 0Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26 1Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26 2Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26 3Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26 4

Newspaper Rindeleht about WW2 events in 1944, #26, date July 1st, 1944.

This is restored volume. 6 pages out of 12 are copies!

Main topic: Heavy fighting on all war grounds.

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