Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire"

Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire"
Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire" 0Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire" 1Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire" 2Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire" 3Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. "Sturmmarsch zur Loire" 4

Assault of the Loire. The campaign against France. «Sturmmarsch zur Loire» Ein Infanteriekorps stürmt, siegt und verfolgt, 1941 by Hauptmann I. G. Ludendorff, Oberleutnant Luckem und Leutnant Haupt. Erinnerungsbuch d. XXXVIII. Armeekorps vom Feldzug über Somme, Seine u. Loire. 172 pages

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