Combat chronicles of Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945

Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945
Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945 0Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945 1Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945 2Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945 3Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA, limited edition, 1945 4

Combat chronicles of  Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA  in Estonian language 1945 year printed. Limited edition: only15000 examples.

Eesti Tallinna Kaardiväe Laskurkorpuse võitlustee. Боевой путь Гвардейского Эстонского Таллинского Стрелкового Корпуса, на эстонском языке. RK «Poliitiline Kirjandus»/Tallinn 1945. 248 pages, size: 16,5х23cm

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