ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer.

ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer.
ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer. 0ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer. 1ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer. 2ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer. 3ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD. Officer. 4

ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD on the L. M. Kaganovich Railway issued to the junior lieutenant of state security Samosadkin Vasily Petrovich who was in service at the transport department of the NKVD on «L.M. Kaganovich Railway».  The certificate was signed by the head of the transport department of the NKVD (railway branch). The certificate was issued on December 31, 1942. Rare.

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