The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger.

The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger.
The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger. 0The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger. 1The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger. 2The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger. 3The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger. 4

Saying poster produced by the Central publisher of the NSDAP in Munich.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

«The German people will not split up in this struggle, but will grow stronger and stronger.»
Adolf Hitler.

«Das deutsche Volk wird in diesem Kampf nicht zersplittert, sondern immer fester und fester werden.»
Adolf Hitler.

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