I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it

I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it
I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it 0I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it 1I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it 2I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it 3

German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

I fight with my people for undoing an injustice, and the others are fighting to maintain it.
The Führer in his answer to the French Prime Minister Daladier on August 27, 1939

Ich kämpfe mit meinem Volke um die Wiedergutmachung eines Unrechtes, und die anderen um die Beibehaltung desselben.
Der Führer in seinem Antwort an den französischen Ministerpräsidenten Daladier am 27. August 1939

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