Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship

Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship
Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship 0Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship 1Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship 2Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship 3Der Schulungsbrief - vol. 7/8/9 from 1940 - War, maternity and comradeship 4

The central monthly newspaper of the NSDAP. Editor — the Reich Organizational Leader. War, maternity and comradeship. Everything for Germany. Wisdom word for German woman. Gauleiter Hans Schemm. From the «inner front». War and population development. German womanhood in difficult times. Hitler's mother pictures with words: I adored my father but loved my mother ( Ich hatte den Vater verehrt, die Mutter jedoch geliebt)

Das zentrale Monatsblatt der NSDAP. Herausgeber — der Reichsorganisationsleiter. Krieg, Mutterturm und Kameradschaft. Alles für Deutschland. Geleit der deutschen Frau. Gauleiter Hans Schemm. Von der «inneren Front». Krieg und Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Deutsches Frauentum in schwerer Zeit.

Total 46 pages.

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