The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!"

The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!"
The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!" 0The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!" 1The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!" 2The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!" 3The Simplicissimus - vol. 27, July 5th 1944 - Churchill: "Nothing can happen to me, I'm in control!" 4

In tow. Churchill: «Nothing can happen to me, all in control!» The new Caesar. «What should I report to London, General Eisenhower?» Rectification. «I ask you: can men be faithful at all?» Enthusiasm. «You know, Miss Edith, when I look at you like that, I always have the feeling that you are desirable, like a scarce commodity!»

Im Schlepptau. Churchill: «Mir kann nichts passieren, ich habe ja das Steuer in der Hand!» Der neue Caesar. «Was soll ich nach London melden, General Eisenhower?»  Berichtigung. «Ich frage dich: können Männer überhaupt treu sein?» Begeisterung.  «Wissen Sie, Fräulein Edith, wenn ich Sie so ansehe, habe ich immer das Gefühl, Sie sind begehrenswert, wie Mangelware!»

Total 12 pages.

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