The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta

The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta
The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta 0The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta 1The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta 2The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta 3The Illustrierte Beobachter - vol. 50, December 11th, 1941 - The Soviet positions at Kerch were atta 4

Warm food for the outposts. The lasso litter to South America. Behind the democratic mask: the imperialist Roosevelt. The Soviet positions at Kerch were considered impregnable. The high altitude defended by Caucasian snipers is climbed and defeated despite the strongest enemy artillery fire.

Warmes Essen für die Vorposten. Der Lasso Wurf nach Südamerika. Hinter der Demokratenmaske: der Imperialist Roosevelt. Die sowjetischen Stellungen bei Kertsch galten als uneinnehmbar. Die durch kaukasische Scharfschützen verteidigte Höhenstellung wird trotz stärksten feindlichen Artilleriefeuers erklommen und niedergekämpft.

Total 15 pages.

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