The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not

The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not
The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not  0The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not  1The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not  2The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not  3The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not  4

World War 2 NSDAP weekly motto issued by the Propaganda Office and printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

The strength of men does not prove itself in the evening after a victory, but when the sun does not shine.
Adolf Hitler

Die Stärke der Männer zeigt sich nicht am Abend nach dem Siege, sondern wenn die Sonne einmal nicht scheint.
Adolf Hitler

There is some minor damage.

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