Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien

Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien
Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien 0Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien 1Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien 2Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien 3Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien 4

Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with Screwback: Souval Wien

Iron Cross 1939 1st Class with a magnetic core coated in black lacquer. On the reverse side of the screwback, the manufacturer's mark LDO L58 is visible. LDO (Leistungsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Ordenshersteller) is a collaboration established in 1942 to streamline the production of awards and decorations, as well as to reduce bottlenecks in military production. L58 is the manufacturer’s code assigned to the company Souval from Vienna. The cross is in excellent condition with only minor tarnishing of the paint and slight wear due to exposure to moisture, showing a slight rusty patina at the corners.

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