Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos

Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos
Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos 0Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos 1Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos 2Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos 3Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front - Ostfront. 81 photos 4

Wehrmacht Oberarzt pictures. Eastern Front, Ukrainian SSR, Kharkov. There are several interesting photos with destroyed vehicles, photos from Kharkov, the funeral of German soldiers, as well as the graves of German soldiers. Various medical and other vehicles, 81 photos, mostly in size: 10x7cm.

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