Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress

Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress
Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress 0Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress 1Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress 2Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress 3Die Wehrmacht, #15 July 1942 After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress 4

Die Wehrmacht is an illustrated magazine published by the High Command of German Armed forces (OKW).

Die Wehrmacht, herausgegeben vom Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.

After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress. So fall Sevastopol, 25 days of fighting for the strongest fortress in the world. Poles, Czechs, Negroes — English «allies» in Africa. Admiral headquarters, North Africa Navy off Tobruk. North Africa battlefield.

Nach 25 Tagen! In den Ruinen der Festung Sewastopol. So viel Sewastopol, 25 Tage Kampf um die stärkste Festung der Welt.Polen, Tschechien, Neger -  Englands «Verbündete» in Afrika. Admiral stabsquartier, Nordafrika Kriegsmarine vor Tobruk. Kampfplatz Nordafrika.

Total 12 pages.

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