Military Magazines

Soldier thinking and acting. To honor the valuable services of the rescue aircraft, General der Flieger Zander visited a sea rescue squadron on the Channel coast. Use of one of our sea rescue crews. Comrades of the air. Distress pilots save friend and foe. The Air Force lifeboat.More
Ready to take off. "The aerial reconnaissance continued over northern France". They fear nothing more than a German offensive. England must recognize the superiority of German aircraft. Thoughts and observations when attending a flight instructor school. Air war against England. Startbereit.More
The new Polish bomber PZL-37 at the Belgrade Aviation Exhibition. International Aviation Exhibition in Belgrade. New German world records. Flight over Germany 1938 - the world's largest world competition. German historical flight championship 1938.More
Army innovator - the Luftwaffe in June 1942. Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery. Soviet light attack bomber SU-2. 8.8 cm anti-aircraft gun. The transport aviation of the warring powers. Water rudder on floating aircrafts. Piston engine units of 4000 hp.More
Transporting the wounded by air on the Finnish front. The story of a bankruptcy. General Luftzeugmeister Colonel General Ernst Udet, Colonel Werner Mölders.More
A zeppelin cruiser over Antwerp. In the fight for Lihons. English guns are taken away from Antwerp. Illustrated war reports. The skirmishes at Curtigny and Lehons. Assault of a Saxon medical transport. The Meuse crossing of the 26th Infantry Division. Ein Zeppelinkreuzer über Antwerpen.More
Multi-purpose aircraft "Fw 58 B" of the Focke-Wulf-Flugzeugwerke. The engines on the XV. Paris Aerosalon. The most powerful nations in sport aircraft construction. France's glider under construction. How Soviet Russian height records come. Roadworthy autogiro. The flight into marriage.More
The light autogiro, the people's aircraft of the future? The 1937 American Aviation Salon. Dr. Orlovius speaks to representatives of the Swiss military and civil aviation. Volkswagen and Volksflugzeug by engineer Karl Seyboth. The automatic landing on three wheels from AG Baumhauer.More
The air war in November 1943. The nature and meaning of airplane flutter. De Havilland "Mosquito". The tilt deflection of the aircraft compasses. About the effect of vibrations on the autonomic nervous system and the tendon reflexes. For determining the equilibrium index of the motor-propeller unit.More
Unabated effectiveness - the activities of the Luftwaffe in May 1942. Flow research and flight technology. New results and problems in medical stratospheric research. Explosive rivets for fully covered rudders. Air-cooled double radial engine BMW 801. The fluorescent screen and its photography.More
The Führer liberates the Sudetenland. The new German airship LZ 130 "Graf Zeppelin". The results of the National Air Races. The sinking aircraft carrier of Europe. From the air battle in Spain. New English light aircraft: Miles "Monarch" and "Moth-Minor". The largest projects in ocean aviation.More
Iron strikes against the British. Tanker on fire. Why is England waging the war? Air raid on Wilhelmshaven. Fleet agreements were also useless. What is a torpedo? 500 kilo bomb on "Ark Royal". The feat of Scapa Flow. Life in the submarine. Germany's war at sea. Contraband hunt in the Skagerrak.More
German field made Christmas artillery magazine "Die Artill. Weihnachtspost". At escort. Battalion order of the day. Christmas 1940. Heavy Artillery Replacement Battalion 97. 10 minutes to 8 am. My Wels. The Xenia. The Egyptian courier writes to us. The birth of Tutankhamen. Tarzan in shackles.More
Die Wehrmacht is an illustrated magazine published by the High Command of German Armed forces (OKW). Die Wehrmacht, herausgegeben vom Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. After 25 days! In the ruins of the Sevastopol fortress.More
Die Wehrmacht is an illustrated magazine published by the High Command of German Armed forces (OKW). Die Wehrmacht, herausgegeben vom Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Germany and Italy in lockstep, Field Marshal von Blomberg visits fascist youth formations in the presence of the Duce.More
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