The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery

The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery
The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery 0The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery 1The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery 2The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery 3The Luftwissen - vol. 7, July 1942 - Smashed armored dome of the "Maxim Gorki" battery 4

Army innovator - the Luftwaffe in June 1942. Smashed armored dome of the «Maxim Gorki» battery. Soviet light attack bomber SU-2. 8.8 cm anti-aircraft gun. The transport aviation of the warring powers. Water rudder on floating aircrafts. Piston engine units of 4000 hp. Surface protection in aircraft construction.

Wegbereiter des Heeres — die Luftwaffe im Juni 1942. Zerschlagene Panzerkuppel des Werkes «Maxim Gorki». Sowjetisches leichtes Kampfflugzeug SU-2. 8,8 cm Flak Geschütz. Das Transportflugwesen der kriegsführenden Mächte. Wasserruder an Flugzeugschwimmern. Kolbentriebwerkseinheiten von 4000 PS. Oberflächenschutz im Flugzeugbau.

Total 40 pages.

There is some minor damage.

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